PKF Texas: The Entrepreneur’s Playbook® – Greg Price

by | Oct 15, 2012 | Microsoft Dynamics NAV, PKF Texas - The Entrepreneur's Playbook®

Russ: This is PKF Texas Entrepreneurs’ Playbook. I’m Russ Capper actually sitting in for the normal host of the Playbook, that’s Greg Price, director of consulting solutions at PKF Texas because Greg is today’s guest. Greg, welcome to the Entrepreneurs’ Playbook.

Greg: Well, thank you Russ. It’s great to be here.

Russ: Okay. Well, I thought it’d be a good idea to ask you this question. You’ve had several guests on this show where you’re discussing the Microsoft Dynamic’s NAV product. Why don’t we go all the way to 30,000 feet and give us an overview of the product, who would want it and what it does.

Greg: Okay, well, I’ll try to keep it at 30,000 feet.

Russ: Good.

Greg: Dynamics NAV is an ERP or an accounting system that we offer to clients that are primarily in four major industries. First of those would be the manufacturing, second would be distribution, third would be construction and then lastly would be the oil field service companies that we service. Size of those companies could be anywhere from 10 million on the low end up to about 500 million on the high end in terms of range. What that system does is it offers them an opportunity to have a best of breed, all in one solution concerning various aspects of their business.

Russ: Okay, but it’s a pretty serious system then, doing all of that.

Greg: That’s correct. It offers a solution for financial management, supply chain, inventory management, job costing – things that people today are having difficulty getting good information for. I’ll give you a couple of examples. One of those is what we call the term “Islands of Information.” People can’t seem to get the information unless they’re located at a certain place and point. And second would be dispirit systems that don’t share information at the same time in a real time mode.

Russ: Okay. Good explanation. Thank you very much. This has been another thought leader production brought to you by PKF Texas, the Entrepreneurs’ Playbook. Tune in next week for another chapter.

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